What I'm Doing

Cycling from Lands End To John O'Groats
Leaving Lands End on September 13th and (hopefully) doing 100 miles a day for 10 days until we reach John O'Groats on Thursday 23rd. (enabling my cycling partner Kevin to get back to London to watch his mighty Spurs play Man U - being a West Ham supporter, I'd be happy for this ride to take the entire season).

Running The New York Marathon
This is on November 7th which means the most interesting thing is that I arrive the day after the US election - which I assume means I'll be spending the 4 days leading up to the run trying to get through customs.

I've received some greart support for these challenges from
Cyclefit., who can fit you like a glove onto your bike! First Great Western, who can get you to and from Penzance with bikes!